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Bot Libre Forum : Rich HTML Responses, Buttons, Links, and Choices

RE: Rich HTML Responses, Buttons, Links, and Choices

por minhas270 publicado Dec 15 2016, 8:56

Please i want to  know that it is possible to make facebook messenger bot like this sample(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/product-overview/conversation) through botlibre if possible then how to do this  any available help regarding this issue? thnks.

Id: 14925439
Publicado: Dec 15 2016, 8:56
Actualizado: Dec 15 2016, 9:39
Respuestas: 0
Vistas: 3530, hoy: 166, la semana: 170, mes: 182
0 0 0.0/5