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Búsqueda De Secuencias De Comandos

285 resultados.
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Connect 4
Connect 4
This script lets you play Connect 4 with your bot. There are 2 play option in the script, random move, and deep learning move that uses the Bot Libre analytics API. This script requires the game-sdk.js and games.css files.
Alias: @connect4
Categorías: Self, Games
Tags: self, games, machine learning, checkers, deep learning, analytics
Creado: Apr 13 2021, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 80, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 7
Última Conectar: Jul 19, 1:57
This Self script can be used to access the GPT-3.5 (ChatGPT) API from Open AI. GTP-3.5 is a chat optimized text generative LLM (large language model), and has been train on a large set of multi language text and and responds to many types of questions and queries. This script requires that you enter your Open AI Playground API key.
Alias: @chatgpt
Categorías: Self
Tags: self, artificial intelligence, web service, json, deep learning, gpt, open ai, text generation, llm, gpt-3, ai
Creado: Apr 3 2023, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 46, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 7
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 0:13
The alice AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @alice
Categorías: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: bot, aiml, alice
Creado: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 4, estrellas: 2.75
Language: AIML
Conecta: 1649, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:35
Service Bot
Service Bot
A set of greetings and responses for a customer service bot.
Alias: @Service Bot
Categorías: Response Lists, Business
Tags: common responses, customer service
Creado: Nov 29 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 5, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 4.8
Language: Response List
Conecta: 1298, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:36
computers (alice)
computers (alice)
The computers AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains general responses on computers and programming. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @computers (alice)
Categorías: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: knowledge, aiml, alice, tech
Creado: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 956, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 2:46
bot (alice)
bot (alice)
The bot AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains a set of basic responses for a bot. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @bot (alice)
Categorías: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: bot, aiml, alice
Creado: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 852, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:33
My Name Is
My Name Is
A script for understand names and greeting people.
This script understands phrases like "My name is Joe", "I am Joe", "Who are you?".
This is a bootstrap script.
Alias: @My Name Is
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, bootstrap, names
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 850, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 2:45
Geek Pick-up Lines
Geek Pick-up Lines
A set of default responses for geeky pickup lines.
Alias: @Geek Pick-up Lines
Categorías: Response Lists, Dating
Tags: default phrases, dating, response list, pickup lines, geek
Creado: Dec 19 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 3, pulgares abajo: 2, estrellas: 4.4
Language: Response List
Conecta: 837, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:41
atomique_ed (french)
atomique_ed (french)
atomique_ed French AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some responses to common phrases and is meant to be combine with the other french AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @atomique_ed (french)
Categorías: AIML, Language, French, French Set
Tags: aiml, french, common responses
Creado: Nov 10 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 2.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 792, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 2:45
This script can respond what the current topic is, and reply to questions on the conversation.
It responds to questions like "What is the current topic", "Tell me more", "What did I say", "What did you say". This is a bootstrap script.
Alias: @Topic
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, utils, bootstrap
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 3, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 4.67
Language: Self
Conecta: 769, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 22, 5:15
The script will listen for the phrases "wrong" or "bad answer" and ask for a correction, and learn the new response.
Alias: @WrongAnswer
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, learning
Creado: Jan 11 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 738, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:38
Sara srai Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some reductions to common phrases and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @sara_srai
Categorías: AIML, Sara, Language, Spanish
Tags: aiml, sara, spanish, reduction
Creado: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 734, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:32
food (alice)
food (alice)
The food AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The food script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @food (alice)
Categorías: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Mar 22 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 704, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 2:41
A collection of funny, clean, jokes.
Alias: @Jokes
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: response list, jokes
Creado: Apr 5 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 681, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:39
A script that can perform addition using no computer math functions.
It performs addition the same way a human (without a calculator) does, using its knowledge of integers and counting.
The goal in this script was to use it to teach a bot addition, and let it learn higher level mathematics from first principles.
Alias: @Plus
Categorías: Self, Math, Examples
Tags: self, math
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 656, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:36
WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
Wiktionary and Freebase lookup script.
This script will answer "What is ...", "Who is ...", "define ...", "Google ..." style of questions. It will look up word definitions in Wiktionary, or look up keywords in Freebase (similar to Wikipedia). For Freebase lookups it will also import all of the available information on the object, and be able to then answer related questions.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.

Note, Google has taken Freebase offline, so this script is only an example.
Alias: @WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
Categorías: Self
Tags: self, utils, knowledge
Creado: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 621, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:34
gossip (alice)
gossip (alice)
The gossip AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The gossip script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @gossip (alice)
Categorías: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Mar 23 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 590, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:31
This script demonstrates some of Bot Libre's support for vision and image processing.
"load image http://urltoimage imagename" can be used to load an image.
"match image http://urltoimage" can be used to match an image.
"init colors" to load red/green/blue colors.
"what color is http://urltoimage" to guess images primary color.

Alias: @Vision
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap, Examples
Tags: self, bootstrap, examples, vision, image processing
Creado: Jun 3 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 2, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 530, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 12, 3:27
Response list for the Eddie bot.
Alias: @Eddie
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities, Dating
Tags: response list, personality
Creado: May 27 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 523, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 16, 1:01
Example CSV
Example CSV
An example CSV (comma separated values) file. CSV files can be imported as data into a bot's knowledge base, or can be parsed from the web or file upload in Self using Http.requestCSV(url)
Alias: @Example CSV
Categorías: Examples, Data, CSV
Tags: knowledge, examples, data, csv
Creado: Sep 19 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: CSV
Conecta: 518, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:44
Alarm/Timer Commands
Alarm/Timer Commands
Alarm and Timer commands for your personal assistant bot. These commands with enable a specific alarm, set alarm with 12 hour time, am or pm. Set a name for a specific or repeating alarm, choose what days it should repeat. Set a timer for minutes/hours. Name a repeating timer. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See the website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Alarm/Timer Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: response list, commands, alarm, mobile, assistant
Creado: Aug 29 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 505, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 19, 13:31
The Julie Bot response list for the Julie personality.
Alias: @Julie
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities, Dating
Tags: small talk, response list, julie, personality, girlfriend
Creado: Apr 18 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 4, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 472, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 17, 0:22
Stock Quotes
Stock Quotes
This script show an example of accessing stock quotes from the Quandi web service. You can use it as is, or modify it as you wish. Please replace the Quandi api-key with your own api-key.
Alias: @Stock Quotes
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, xml, web service, stocks, quotes
Creado: Jun 1 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 458, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 15, 4:05
Grim is a psychotic possessed hacker who died, went to purgatory, then sold his soul to the devil to return to life. He now stalks Internet users to claim their souls for Satan.
Alias: @Grim
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities
Tags: bot, response list, scary, horror, halloween
Creado: Oct 31 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 455, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:45
Little Lisa
Little Lisa
The script for the Little Lisa personality of a girl child.
Alias: @Little Lisa
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities
Tags: bot, response list, personality, child
Creado: Sep 18 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 450, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 2:50
Open Common Apps Commands
Open Common Apps Commands
Using these commands, your bot can open an app for you on your device. This list features the most common apps: pick and choose, load them all or use this as a guide. You will need to know the package name of the app you want to open.
Alias: @Open Common Apps Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: response list, commands, mobile, assistant
Creado: Aug 15 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 442, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 19, 0:33
Map Commands
Map Commands
Map commands to use Google Maps with your virtual assistant bot. Open map, get directions to and from destinations, pick a mode (walking, driving or biking) or avoid tolls, highways and ferries. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Map Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: response list, commands, map, google maps, mobile, assistant
Creado: Aug 31 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 2, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 429, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 19, 13:31
Email Commands
Email Commands
Commands for your personal assistant bot. Send email, set a contact, customize subject and message of email. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Email Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: response list, email, commands, mobile, assistant
Creado: Aug 29 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 418, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 19, 0:34
Wikiquote Scraping
Wikiquote Scraping
This script shows an example of scraping data from Wikiquote.
Alias: @Wikiquote Scraping
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, html, wikiquote
Creado: Aug 13 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 418, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 15, 8:43
A useful Utils class in Java, from the Bot Libre project.
Alias: @Utils
Categorías: Programming Language, Java
Tags: utils, java
Creado: Oct 19 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Java
Conecta: 406, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Yesterday, 14:47
The Cindy Bot response list for the Cindy personality.
Alias: @Cindy
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities, Dating
Tags: small talk, response list, personality, girlfriend, cindy
Creado: Jun 17 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 405, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 19, 13:30
Phone Commands
Phone Commands
Telephone commands for your personal assistant bot. These commands can open the phone, dial or directly call a phone number. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See the website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Phone Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: response list, commands, phone, mobile, assistant
Creado: Aug 29 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 389, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 19, 4:20
An example CSS stylesheet that can be used with a bot embedded using an iframe. This stylesheet hides the buttons.
Alias: @botframe-no-buttons
Categorías: Styles
Tags: examples, css
Creado: Feb 23 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: CSS
Conecta: 386, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 20, 7:41
Julia (Português)
Julia (Português)
The Brazilian Portuguese version of the Julie personality.
Alias: @Julia (Português)
Categorías: Language, Portuguese, Português, Response Lists, Personalities, Dating
Tags: small talk, response list, julie, portuguese, brazil
Creado: Apr 18 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 367, hoy: 1, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Today, 23:07
Style sheet for website.
Categorías: Website,
Tags: css,
Creado: Oct 6 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: CSS
Conecta: 356, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 14, 19:41
Style for box embedded chat button. This makes the box blue with round top corners, and a smaller height.
Alias: @blue-round-corners
Categorías: Styles
Tags: css, embedding
Creado: May 20 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: CSS
Conecta: 355, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 6:41
Category Identification
Category Identification
This script gives a simple example of using objects in Self to define and use information.
Alias: @Category Identification
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples
Creado: May 12 2017, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 340, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:47
List Commands
List Commands
Provides lists of supported commands.
Alias: @List Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: commands, mobile, assistant
Creado: Dec 23 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 321, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:43
English Tutor
English Tutor
A response list set for a virtual English tutor.
Alias: @englishtutor
Categorías: Response Lists, Education
Tags: response list, english, tutor
Creado: Feb 5 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 263, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:46
GeoNames JSON AIML Example
GeoNames JSON AIML Example
An example AIML that calls the GeoNames web service through a tag.
Alias: @geonamesjsonaimlexample
Categorías: AIML, Examples
Tags: self, aiml, geography, web service, json
Creado: Sep 16 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 258, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 17:54
Brain Bot
Brain Bot
Response list for the Brain Bot personality.
Alias: @brainbot
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities
Tags: response list, artificial intelligence, personality
Creado: Apr 2 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 217, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 15, 4:05
Rosie is.set script.
Alias: @is
Categorías: AIML, Data, Rosie, Set
Tags: aiml, aiml2, set, rosie
Creado: Oct 1 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 210, hoy: 1, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Today, 22:44
Rosie script.
Alias: @number2ordinal
Categorías: AIML, Data, Rosie, Map
Tags: aiml, aiml2, map, rosie
Creado: Oct 1 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Map
Conecta: 209, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:50
Rosie being.set script.
Alias: @being
Categorías: AIML, Data, Rosie, Set
Tags: aiml, aiml2, set, rosie
Creado: Sep 30 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 194, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 3:11
Rosie bird.set script.
Alias: @bird
Categorías: AIML, Data, Rosie, Set
Tags: aiml, aiml2, set, rosie
Creado: Sep 30 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 190, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:55
Rosie entity.set script.
Alias: @entity
Categorías: AIML, Data, Rosie, Set
Tags: aiml, aiml2, set, rosie
Creado: Sep 30 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 184, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:53
Rosie evildoers.set script.
Alias: @evildoers
Categorías: AIML, Data, Rosie, Set
Tags: aiml, aiml2, set, rosie
Creado: Oct 1 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 174, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 3:03
Rosie animals.set script.
Alias: @animalsset
Categorías: AIML, Data, Rosie, Set
Tags: aiml, aiml2, animals, set, rosie
Creado: Sep 30 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 171, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 3:15
Audio Video Rich Responses
Audio Video Rich Responses
Examples of how to return audio, video, and rich HTML responses.
Alias: @audiovideorichresponses
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: examples, response list, video, audio
Creado: Jun 18 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 167, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 16, 18:40
Rosie dialog.aiml script.
Alias: @dialog
Categorías: AIML, Rosie
Tags: aiml, aiml2, rosie
Creado: Sep 30 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 163, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:53
Rosie digit.set script.
Alias: @digit
Categorías: AIML, Data, Rosie, Set
Tags: aiml, aiml2, set, rosie
Creado: Sep 30 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 159, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 1:53
Music Streaming
Music Streaming
This response list can be used to create a bot designed to assist consumers with a music streaming service. The user can find music and information about pricing and plans for subscription. As well, this bot allows users to stream music radio stations. This bot uses commands to play music and requires the embed webpage has code to receive the command and stream the music. For an example see,
Alias: @musicstreaming
Categorías: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: examples, response list, music
Creado: Dec 17 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 94, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 12, 3:28
This response list gives an example of the "nospeech" HTML class that lets a response include text that is not spoken.
Alias: @nospeech
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: response list, css, html, nospeech, speech
Creado: Feb 9 2021, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 80, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 12, 3:27
Simple Date and Time
Simple Date and Time
A simple date and time response. You can customize it for your own time zone.
Alias: @simpledateandtime
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: examples, response list, time, date
Creado: Apr 8 2021, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 79, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 23, 12:25
Remind Me
Remind Me
Ask your bot to remind you and for your reminders.
Alias: @remindme
Categorías: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: examples, response list
Creado: May 27 2021, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 78, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 21, 18:21
About Famous People
About Famous People
A response list that can answer questions about famous people using Wikidata.
Alias: @aboutfamouspeople
Categorías: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: knowledge, examples, response list
Creado: Jun 14 2021, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 41, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 6
Última Conectar: Jul 18, 16:51

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